Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Welcome to LFRZDG’s blog, a codename for my virtual micronation under development, a rasterized nation based in the series of tubes that is the internet. It is a virtual world akin to Second Life, albeit with a focus on city-building rather than being a social hub. Cities are the name of the game here. Currently, I am carefully planning the mechanics, website, and the first city of the sovereignty.

This blog will be a continuing story of development, logging the progress of this micronation project step-by-step. Right now this is a one-man project, and will continue to be so until a large urban area is built virtually. For now, I will only be designing the blueprints for the first district of the first city.


Unlike city-building games, this project will deal with building urban areas piece-by-piece. Each road, bench, and building needs to be made from scratch. I'd like to say that this project lives up to the game genre name considerably more than the typical games of the genre you'd find that are out today. If buildings are furnished ingame, this would certainly push the project towards being a hybrid, since establishments could be explored like a virtual world.


The virtual land that this project is being held at had it's first ground broke as far back as July 2000. I had found a virtual reality program to play in when I was a child and started a town in my own claimed virtual space. This megaproject is sort of a continuation from the remains of an abandoned virtual town I built in with my friends so long ago. LFRZDG is this town reincarnated as an already fabulous and vast land to look at, even with the megaproject barely in it’s pre-alpha stage.

I had dabbling thoughts for building a micronation began in late 2006, amongst many other ideas. I began covering vast amounts of land around my old town, creating a contiguous grassland that enclosed my childhood creation. For many years I hadn't done anything with the land, and stayed torn between thoughts of what I wanted to do with the land. The second best candidate was using it for a large puzzle, but I decided on developing a virtual micronation, which brings me here today. In homage to my childhood town in in what is now a large grassland, the micronation carried it's name. Since 2006, development of a micronation atop the 2006 land has been very spotty, and mostly non-occurring. Finally, in late 2010 I started LFRZDG to deal with developing one city, and to begin with, perhaps just a portion of a city district. Time for me to get working then!

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