WEDNESDAY Skipping last week I'm up to 450 images in my references folder. There's quite a lot to see, and it's all inspiring or technically-pleasing to the eyes! I've been working in a program called Synekism, coming up with a sort of quick-sketch of an urban area that keeps me thinking and working with cities. Like my references, this is also inspiring. I've got a heavily dense city that can't be any bigger than 16 sq km featuring two-million people, and only two-lane roads. I can't say the city layout is all that realistic, but it's certainly interesting to look at, and was quite fun to develop. This is also a good alternative if I'm not in the mood to mess with 3d-modelling.
FRIDAY I've begun designing a six-lane turbo roundabout as one of the first intersections for the first district. It is a 70 kph roundabout featuring a 30 meter median, four edgelines, and a 130 meter center island. I've been putting off designing this three football field behemoth for several weeks now and I've finally worked up the courage to deal with tackling it's proportions. More to come later.